Βρετανικά ΜΜΕ: Πότε θα γίνει η αξιολόγηση της “πράσινης λίστας”-Τι λένε οι πληροφορίες

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Where does this leave travel?

The decision about June 21 will come on June 14. It seems increasingly likely that social distancing and mask wearing will remain in indoor public areas.

This would obviously have a significant impact on workplaces, hospitality, airports etc, including at borders where social distancing requirements mean Border Force desks have fewer staff, increasing waiting times.

Polling suggests a majority of the public support the maintenance of social distancing by a ratio of about two to one so the government risks limited unpopularity for doing this.

Where does that leave travel?

The next three-week review of the green, amber and red lists is due by June 28, which is also the date of the first ‘checkpoint’ or review of the traffic light system.

So these twin reviews will take place in the week of June 21 once the outcome of the domestic reopening is clear. That may allow some destinations on to the green list, depending on what is happening with the Delta variant of the virus.

The G7 meeting in Cornwall this week is expected to give some impetus to restarting international travel, in particular to the US. The roadblock here may be a US reluctance to deal with the UK unilaterally ahead of agreement with the EU.

It is difficult to see any change to the traffic light system itself or the testing and quarantine regime at this point.

The next green list review after that will fall in the week leading up to Monday July 19 – barely in time for most school holidays in England. But any expansion could go some way to salvaging August.

Thereafter, there will be a second review of the traffic light system towards the end of July and another green list review by August 9 – the last one before the August bank holiday.

Time is running out for the sector, making the case for targeted support irrefutable. The government owes it to the industry to act decisively and give whatever guarantees are necessary.